Support goes to UDS-Sevilla

Since I joined Canonical as a support analyst last November this is going to be my first Ubuntu Developer Summit as an « insider ». We’re going to Spain! I am all excited because this reminds me of Ubuntu Below Zero which took place in Montreal… 2 years ago! Etienne Goyer and I will be representing the brave souls from support, hopefully I’ll be useful in other areas than spanish translation 🙂

Here are a few specs we may be participating in:

I’d be interested in hearing any feedback anyone would have in terms of support for us to bring there and work on. We’ll be primarily attending to share our experience when providing support to actual customers, learn about and contribute to specs related to different aspects of support, and if time permits some other pet peeves 😉 Asterisk support is something I’d really love to contribute to, and Etienne’s rapidly improving packaging skills may help a lot in getting this further – he packaged SugarCRM and participated in the review process for VMWare server, Opera and DB2.

Check out the UDS-Sevilla Ubuntu Wiki for more (upcoming) details.


2 réflexions sur « Support goes to UDS-Sevilla »

  1. I wouldn’t mind seeing the specs but unfortunately they are password protected. It would be nice for you to note that in your post since it is of limited value to most people (since we can’t see the specs). I have a launchpad account but not a member of Launchpad beta testers so I can’t see the specs

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